arvind s. grover

arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (, a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.

Should we ban fiction from the curriculum? Wiggins thinks so...

Grant Wiggins (of Understanding by Design fame) wrote a blog post titled, Ban fiction from the curriculum for ACSD. I took away two main arguments:

  1. he thinks that the abundance of fiction serves female students better than male students 
  2. he thinks that reading so much fiction ill prepares you for an adult life where non-fiction reading is much more essential

It is worth a read even thought it is largely an opinion piece. It is thought-provoking and could influence our conversations around 21st century libraries but also in a larger reading/writing in the curriculum discussions.

What are the qualities of a teacher who enjoys project-based learning?

What are the qualities of a teacher who enjoys project-based learning?

Doug Johnson gives a helpful list of 6 teacher descriptors for enjoyable project-based learning.

As someone who works with teachers to design projects this makes total sense. It might be strategic to share these qualities with a teacher before you begin working with them to integrate technology. Allow them to visualize themselves being successful and having fun. Prepare them for the experience.

Anti-smoking slideshow voted best educational presentation on Slideshare

This powerful slideshow was voted best slideshow in the world, education category, on

On a side note: Slideshare is a fantastic way for you to share your slides with a wider audience. I generally use Prezi for presentations, but when I use Powerpoint then I use Slideshare for sharing.