arvind s. grover

arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (, a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.

The editorial process, 1970 - brilliant review of newspaper "technology", with pictures!

This is a most amazing visual journey through newspaper making in the 1970's and 1980's. It worth a read by adults and you could try showing it to your students. I'm not sure that they will be able to comprehend this history, but do try!

p.s. This is a photo of a reporter using rubber cement to glue pages together. Remember rubber cement balls?

Technology just changed. Now it changed again. You can only try to keep up.

A great video with French kids looking at technologies from the past 30 years trying to figure out what they are. It's almost scary, and I'm a technologist!

We as teachers need to constantly be experimenting, just like many of our students are. It's the only way to show them how to move through change. By trying.

via Imani

Mike Tomlin’s Super Bowl Return Is Proof Affirmative Action Works. Lessons here for schools.

ColorLines has a thoughtful piece on the NFL's Rooney Rule which requires all teams to interview at least one coach of color. As a native Pittsburgher I'm proud to have a coach of color and the Rooney Rule named after Steeler owner, Dan Rooney.

The NFL should keep the Rooney Rule to help teams work through historic, systemic, and institutional discrimination.

I know of a number of K-12 schools that have made similar guidelines when hiring faculty, staff, and administrators. It takes concerted efforts to change our existing institutions, not simply good intentions.

Al Jazeera Creative Commons Repository - teach modern history powerfully

FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

Al Jazeera puts a great deal of their video media into the Creative Commons meaning that your students can use it for projects as long as they cite their source (which of course, they would do!).

Use this with students, let them develop their own news summaries of what's happening in Tunisia and Egypt. Reporting history as it happens, it's like a history teacher's dream come true!

How can computers be the 6th sense for people? Please, watch these videos

Pranav Mistry and Pattie Maes show us what's possible if we think of expanding technology to be a sixth sense for us.

Both of these videos are a must watch. These are simply prototypes. Imagine where this technology will be in a year, in 5 years.

Thanks to Michelle K for the link