Via a colleague at work, an ingenious way to give kids without access to electricity, an environmentally friendly, and healthy way to access light.
How good design can direct ideal behavior
Human behavior is strongly guided by design, aesthetics, feel, experience, etc. I am very interested in how designing learning environments (schools, classrooms, lessons, assessments) directs student and teacher behavior. I always say to teachers that lessons should be designed in a such a way that every student has to participate, there is no way to avoid being part of the learning. Here is a great video to the concept of good design driving good behavior.
Ellen Degeneres takes Bic pens for women to task
Ellen Degeneres uses her sharp wit to critique Bic pens new line for women. I am always amazed when major companies can have results like this given their enormous decision-making chains. Understanding gender norms is a complex thing, but this seems so basic as to not even be believed.
One of my favorite things about this is how Ellen uses video and social media for social critique and change. Are our students prepare to do the same things to combat steretypes? If Ellen's 1.4 million views (as of 11/3/12) are any indication, they should be.
"How to Get to Mars" - incredible video of rover landing
This 6.5 minute video on how we got the rover to Mars is a must watch. I cannot imagine how the engineers felt after landing.
A photo collage of my learning
Last year I was fortunate to learn from a lot of different sources. Here is a visual of some of them.