Social Networking For Educators

Way back in December, I called on MySpace to create MySpace School Edition. I never did hear from them, but luckily Alex Ragone decided to start up Teachers Collaborating with Teachers – it is a social networking site for educators. (If you know WorldBridges, we’re all connected. Alex and I put on our weekly webcast with them.)

First thing you need to do: go to the site and sign up for a free account (your information will never be sold, traded or given away in any form. You decide what is private and what is public, I promise!) Make sure to fill out your profile. Most things can be left blank, or set to only show to site members, or the public. Be as secretive or as open as you’d like. But, make sure to indicate what your “interests” are on your profile. These interests are then searchable by anyone. So if you list “blogs” as an interest, anyone looking for blogs will find you. See how it works? We can then connect teachers together who are interested in blogging. I sense a joint-school project, don’t you?

After you create your account, try posting to your blog. Just click on “your blog” at the top, and then, “Post a new entry.” Write up whatever you’d like, then put some “keywords” at the bottom. If your blog post is about pedagogy then put that, if it is about laptops, then put that. This helps people find your post. If you want to see my page, it’s here. If you are involved in education in any way, please join us, we’d love to expand the network.

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arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (, a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.