Getting On The Map

So I’m on the map. The Google Earth map. If you don’t have Google Earth, download it now (with a high speed connection). Lets you zoom in with satellite images anywhere on the Earth, amazing. That being said, Alex Ragone tagged me to contribute to the Google Earth Educators Meme started by Lucy Gray. So, I fired up Google Earth and used it to answer two questions:

  1. What has been your most memorable learning experience?
  2. Who is the teacher that has influenced you the most? And why?

They were difficult questions, but I did my best writing them up. Only twist, I wrote them directly onto bookmarks in Google Earth meaning you can view where this experiences occurred. All you have to do is download my KMZ file and open it in Google Earth. A little hard to explain, but just click the KMZ link and try to open it. If you have Google Earth, my answers will pop out of the world, literally. If you teach any kind of history or geography, do yourself a favor and learn how to do this with your students.

And now to tag some other folks. Go!

Technorati Tags: 21st Century Learning Webcast, Alex Ragone, Basil Kolani, Chris Lehmann, Google, Google Earth, history, June Ahn, Kerri Richardson, kmz, Laura Gray, learning, geography, Randy Ziegenfuss, teachers, teaching

arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (, a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.