Instructional Online Video – The Next Big Thing
Jan Kabili PhotoshopOnline.TV
Alex Lindsay Founder, Pixel Corps
Kabili: creator, producer of Photoshop Online video podcast; also a trainer, writers. Offer free video podcasts on my blog
Linday: worked at Lucas film doing visual effects, done blue-screen training. Founder of a guild for media creators called Pixel Corps. We create about an hour of instructional video a week.
Kabili: I hate saying instructional video, sounds boring, sounds like something you have to do in school. (my comment: hey!)
Showing a mashup of instructional video on software training including clips from National Association of Photoshop Professionals (I can’t believe there is such a thing!)
Kabili: this is not limited to software training. This is a huge area. Expert Village shows educational videos or how-to videos. Learn how to skateboard, horseback ride, cook, play an instrument, build a home recording studio, quilt, work out and more. Make site shows you how to make other kids of things with online video.
Methods to create videos:
- get a video camera and film yourself
- you can use video camera for the screen too, but have to be careful
- videotaped me showing a photographer Photoshop online
- screen capture software
How to present:
- you can make a video podcast
- RSS feed so it comes to them
- gain subscribers
- add to iTunes
- post to website
- brightcove hosts video, has ad-sharing
- Revver
- Lynda video training library – buys your video and givea you royalties. They handle the editing, etc.
Lindsay: PixelCopr does inside training by video and external work. You can watch Macbreak, Media Tech and Inside the Black Box on iTunes podcast
If the content is compelling enough the high-end video stuff is not that important. Our most popular shows are some of our most technically simple.
On Networks (launching tomorrow) will pay up front for broadcast quality, 3-8 minute instructional videos
People will watch less than 10 minute videos, but will listen to 1-2 hour audio podcasts
Using Apple Motion to add graphics to video podcasts
With Quicktime video you can embed links inside the video – link to a webpage, automatically link to a webpage or link to another movie. LiveStage Pro is the program we use, but it is awful, but lets you do it.
Your competitive advantage to TV is the interactivity. You can go for a niche market.
Key Points:
- short segment
- be clear
- be entertaining
Right now anyone can put something out and be watched because there is not a lot out there right now. That will change soon.
OnNetworks, Pondango, iTunes/AppleTV, Sony (PS3), Microsoft (XBox), Zudeo, Joost, ATT, Comcast, Verizon are all in this.
Every magazine topic is 5 potential shows, there is lot of room to build programming.
Video stacks tracking: Libsyn – they give us stats that are pretty good
People are looking to pay $1500-2500/show. We won’t do shows if we can’t do 10 at a time. It is all about efficiency of scale right now.
My thoughts: this session was all about commercial uses for instructional video. No focus on the actual instruction. Oh well, I am planning to use it more. I know Alex creates a lot of screencasts at his school and Atomic Learning is an amazingly affordable resource to provide to teachers, students and families in your school – it trains you how to use just about any software out there.
technorati tags:instructional video, online, sxsw, sxswi, South by Southwest, NYCIST, education, video, Jan Kabili, Alex Lindsay, Photoshoponline.TV, Pixel Corpos, National Association of Photoshop Professionals, Expert Village,, Revver,, Inside the Black Box, Macbreak, Media Tech, Apple Motion, Quicktime, LiveStage Pro, Zudeo, Joost, OnNetworks, iTunes, AppleTV, Sony, Microsoft, XBox, PS3, ATT, Comcast, Verizon, Atomic Learning, screencast, liveblog
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