PBS Frontline will be airing "Growing up Online" tonight at 9 PM EST. I like Frontline a lot beacuse of their balanced reporting. The fact that danah boyd is featured on the show makes me think they did their homework. I have written here before, and do believe, she is the smartest English-speaking person I've encountered on dealing with kids and the online world. Do not miss this program, or if you do, watch it online at their website starting tomorrow.
Here is a trailer for tonight's episode:
Tomorrow on 21st Century Learning, Alex and I will be discussing tonight's show. Hope you tune in to the live chatroom at 12:00pm EST to discuss with us.
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Tags: PBS, Frontline, "danah boyd, "social networking, online, teens, "21st Century Learning, "Alex Ragone, EdTechTalk, education, technology
http://www.youtube.com/v/1XyipM9STyY&rel=1" />