I'm going to try and deconstruct my experience with #TEDxNYED

Yesterday was the TEDxNYED conference. It was an incredible day filled with brilliant educators and equally brilliant speakers. We broadcast it live over the Internet and Livestream (our sponsor) reported to me today that we had over 20,000 views. I can barely comprehend that. Today, while I'm still fresh with memories, I want to try and reflect and deconstruct my experiences yesterday, and my experiences with TEDxNYED overall. In particular I hope to go back to my own tweets, go back some of the 2,871 tweets posted about #tedxnyed yesterday, to the Flickr stream, and to the blogosphere discussing TEDxNYED.

Some of my main goals for the reflection include:

  • pulling out things that were really meaningful from the talks
  • summarizing if and how TEDxNYED had a diversity problem (in the speaker set)
  • lessons learned from organizing TEDxNYED

All this, after a perfect whole wheat everything bagel from Bergen Bagels, the best bagles in the world.

(the cool name badges created by Stacy Mar)

(binary apples designed by Lisa Chun)

(@ginab, CEO of Ning.com)

(@jlamontagne, our emcee, and TED fellow)

(@gsiemens, of Connectivism)

Posted via web from arvind's posterous

arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (EdTechTalk.com/21cl), a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.