21apples has a new look

My blog got hacked yesterday as you can see by the picture. They somehow hacked the theme of my WordPress 3.0.1 blog, a theme I had been running for a year or so now. I wasn't sure how they got in and my webhost Site5 couldn't provide much information except that WordPress is prone to attack.

Luckily I could get into the admin side of the blog and ran a WordPress export. I then imported that using Posterous.com's importer tool and within about an hour they were done importing all of my posts, images, and comments. I then changed my DNS for 21apples.org to point to Posterous' servers and it was all set.

I know that Posterous has been having its own issues, but I'm happy for now being able to post and having all of my data fairly secure. And I always have that backup file. Part of me thinks maybe I should head over to WordPress.com as I do love WordPress, but Posterous is so easy that it is hard to deny.

Oh well, for now, welcome to the new 21apples!

p.s. thanks to Alex Ragone for pointing out that my site had been compromised!

arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (EdTechTalk.com/21cl), a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.