
A conversation about whether you post your children's photos online - via momversation

The website Momversation has a video discussing different moms' positions on posting their children's photos online. It is certainly a personal choice, but it is great to hear a diversity of positions on the topic.

I thought the comment on the page by Baumgak about our individual photos being a tiny speck in the enormous Internet a helpful metaphor.

Do you post your kids' photos online? Why or why not?

Taking a pulse in roiling online world - article on @zephoria

Some form of privacy regulation is inevitable, in Boyd’s view. Yet she also cautions that once enacted, laws are difficult to repeal. One example is the 1998 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which Congress is considering renewing. The law restricts websites from collecting data from anyone under 13 years old. As an unintended consequence, said Boyd, parents now coach their kids to lie about their age so they can visit the Skype website to video chat with their grandparents.

danah boyd, one of my go-to people when it comes to kids online, is featured in the Boston Globe's technology section. They mention her upcoming book (which I can't wait to read) and some of the issues she'll be covering including busting myths about kids and online realities. We are so in need of that with all of the fears that are swirling around out there.

Some things I am thinking about:
What do parents and schools really need to be concerned about?
What is the best way to educate our kids for safe, healthy lives online?
Is there any trustworthy research out there that we can rely on?

Thanks, @zephoria for keeping young people's best interests at heart.