Apple Seems To Be An Old Boys' Club

My friend Amy posted a link to Apple's PR page where executive bios are listed. I clicked on it and was shocked to see that everyone on the page was (I think) white and male. It was disappointing to see, and as a technology director in a girls 1:1 laptop school, it makes me wonder how Apple can evolve like that.

We know that women are underrepresented in both engineering and computer science in college and career-wise, to the detriment of those fields. One might hope that a company like Apple, with such a public persona, would work to make opportunities for women to advance. Perhaps they have, and no women have, but that seems unlikely. Apple, time to wake up, and enter modernity. I would love to hear from Apple folks who know me to be wrong on this one. Please, prove me wrong!

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arvind s. grover

I am a progressive educator, a podcaster (, a blogger, and dean of faculty of JK-11 school (building a high school) in New York City.