creative commons

YouTube lets you access "free" music (via Creative Commons) for your videos

In wonderful news YouTube announces a partnership with Creative Commons to let people use Creative Commons licensed music easily in any uploaded videos. They have an online editor to let you do so. This is great for teachers and students creating video projects. I often find myself helping students and teachers walking about of copyright traps when they just slap an iTunes song on a video and want to upload them to the web. People can also elect to share their end-product videos back into the commons allowing others to use their work. Talk about creating a useful video!

Al Jazeera Creative Commons Repository - teach modern history powerfully

FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

Al Jazeera puts a great deal of their video media into the Creative Commons meaning that your students can use it for projects as long as they cite their source (which of course, they would do!).

Use this with students, let them develop their own news summaries of what's happening in Tunisia and Egypt. Reporting history as it happens, it's like a history teacher's dream come true!

Photos and thoughts on Creative Commons Salon NYC on opening education

Last night I sat on a panel with Dave Bill and Kerri Richardson Redding talking about how we use Creative Commons licenses in our school with students and adults. The event was the Creative Commons Salon NYC, and the theme was "Opening Education." The night started out with Eric Frank of Flat World Knowledge and Neeru Paharia of Peer 2 Peer University. Eric talked about how Flat World was publishing digital textbooks under Creative Commons licenses (non commercial) and had some interesting insight in what seems to be an awful industry in general. Neeru talked about the motivations for being part of an organization that believes that anyone should be able to take college-level classes online, for free.
Dave, Kerri, and I seemed to focus much more on why Creative Commons was important to students in particular whether giving them methods for publishing their own work, joining into something bigger (the commons), or using material from the Internet that wasn't entangled in potential legal folly.
I definitely have some more reflection to do on the event before I can blog more, but thought I should fire out the photos and the summaries. I had a great time with our NYCIST colleagues who were there, too. Thanks for the support!

Posted via email from arvind's posterous

I'm Speaking at the Creative Commons NYC Salon on "Opening Education" on March 3rd

I, along with some of my distinguished peers, will be speaking on a panel at the Creative Commons Salon NYC on March 3, 2010. The theme is "Opening Education" and there will be folks from Flat World Knowledge, Peer 2 Peer University, and finally the educators panel (including me!). It will be in lower Manhattan, from 7-10pm. RSVP info is here.

Hope you can join!

Posted via web from arvind's posterous