
The editorial process, 1970 - brilliant review of newspaper "technology", with pictures!

This is a most amazing visual journey through newspaper making in the 1970's and 1980's. It worth a read by adults and you could try showing it to your students. I'm not sure that they will be able to comprehend this history, but do try!

p.s. This is a photo of a reporter using rubber cement to glue pages together. Remember rubber cement balls?

Al Jazeera Creative Commons Repository - teach modern history powerfully

FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

Al Jazeera puts a great deal of their video media into the Creative Commons meaning that your students can use it for projects as long as they cite their source (which of course, they would do!).

Use this with students, let them develop their own news summaries of what's happening in Tunisia and Egypt. Reporting history as it happens, it's like a history teacher's dream come true!

Should we ban fiction from the curriculum? Wiggins thinks so...

Grant Wiggins (of Understanding by Design fame) wrote a blog post titled, Ban fiction from the curriculum for ACSD. I took away two main arguments:

  1. he thinks that the abundance of fiction serves female students better than male students 
  2. he thinks that reading so much fiction ill prepares you for an adult life where non-fiction reading is much more essential

It is worth a read even thought it is largely an opinion piece. It is thought-provoking and could influence our conversations around 21st century libraries but also in a larger reading/writing in the curriculum discussions.

Wikileaks FAQ :: The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop It

What is Wikileaks?

Wikileaks is a self-described “not-for-profit media organization,” launched in 2006 for the purposes of disseminating original documents from anonymous sources and leakers.  Its website says: “Wikileaks will accept restricted or censored material of political, ethical, diplomatic or historical significance. We do not accept rumor, opinion, other kinds of first hand accounts or material that is publicly available elsewhere.”

More detailed information about the history of the organization can be found on Wikipedia (with all the caveats that apply to a rapidly-changing Wiki topic).  Wikipedia incidentally has nothing to do with Wikileaks — both share the word “Wiki” in the title, but they’re not affiliated.

An excellent Wikileaks FAQ resource on Jonathan Zittrain's blog

via @abowllan